Thinking about the last season Vetments all the stuffs

화요일, 1월 30, 2018

Actually, this time is not the appropriate time to spill out this story BUT we should know that the one who forgot the past is not able to think forward. 

Every people who got some fashion point view know the name 'Vetments' which is the brand. The brand got all the eyes on itself therefore that means it could be a stubborn attention that will be scarcely changed or change. 

Vetments should untie this knot as soon as possible for their better future and everyone want Vetments to do so. not just me but also other people think so,

Check this out. though you might think in the different way, you should notice this stream because this doesn't happened often just in the case of Vetements started from getting a lot of attention. 

Vetments broke the rules we've been keeping, so Ventments should be careful to be seen boring and actually They are but as we know, the outcome doesn't follow our expectation as always. we all hope we can meet something better. 

all above images' copyright owned by Vogue collection

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